Emergency Tree Services
Our Services for normal Tree Trimming and Maintenance will be suspended during times of extreme weather or named storms/natural disasters.
During times of Natural Disasters or Dangerous Weather Events, Our Availability will be First Directed Towards:
“Trees Blocking Major Roadways” – that we get contracted for by Disaster Relief Companies / FEMA-Subs, Municipalities / State Officials and others.
“Trees On Roofs” that pose an immediate danger to homeowners, power line crews, and more/others.
“Trees Blocking Driveways or that are on Top of Vehicles and/or secondary dwellings (sheds, chicken coops) and others.
BILLIG During Disaster-Related Events will be as follows: (A or B).
A) Will be 100% Insurance-Approved Contracting.
This will require your participation for:
-You will sign a Direction to Pay Contract which authorizes your insurance company to pay us directly (we don’t chase home or business owners for 3rd party checks).
*This is Not an Assignment of Benefits (AOB), as those have been outlawed in FL since 2023.
-You will Sign a Contingency Agreement that allows us to communicate/bill your insurance company directly for the Total Replacement Cost Value (RCV) of what your policy will payout for this work.
*Also not an A.O.B.
- Your Insurance Deductible will be paid directly to 904Tree.com at the start of this work / Call your Carrier to Confirm this is the normal process in any state. *Unless you’ve paid it to another contractor for the same claim before us/already, it must (by law), be paid to us directly.
Other Forms of Payment:
B) Will be A Contract Signed to pay by Cash / Checks / Zelle Payables with 20% Down for us to Schedule/Show (Non-Refundable) and the remaining 80% of the project cost will be due Immediately (that day) when the job is completed or we’ll start the Lien Process within 10 business days of project completion and you’ll also be reported to state officials & governing bodies. #ZeroTolerance.
*You must be either the Home/Business owner (and can prove it) – or you’ll be paying 100% of these jobs up front (before we start the work) as you’re on-site while we’re there.
Our normal crew setup will be billed at $2,500/hour
-2 grounds men on site for debris removal
-2 to 3 saw men on site to cut/saw
-1 Project/Safety Manager on site
-1 hour of services (arrival to departure)
-1 72’ bucket lift spider machine
-1 44’ bucket truck lift
-1 Dingo and/or/both Excavator to position debris
-Excessive Debris Removal is Scheduled by us but handled by a third party.
* We are a Private (For Profit) Business which gives us the right to Review and Refuse any work for Safety and or Financial Reasons.
*If you are looking for FREE / Government Assistance, please call 911, your State or Perrish Governor, or FEMA Directly, as we can’t help you.